Basics: Online Booking

Control your online booking options here, whether you use a 3rd-party scheduling service, or you'd like to use our absolutely awesome booking features.

Booking Options

Use Scheduling: turning this off will hide any scheduling options.

Online Booking Drop-down Choices:

  • Call for Appointment
  • Online Booking with Confirmation
  • Website Link - redirect your "Request Appointment" page to another site entirely
  • SpaBooker - enter your SpaBooker ID to have your "Request Appointment" link be sent there

Online Booking Detailed Options:

  • Accept Booking: choose "today, in 3 hours", tomorrow, or 2, 3, or 4 days out. When clients are placing their requests for appointments or booking directly, the first available time option will be governed by this setting.
  • Last Booking: what's the last time you will allow a client to begin their services? You can pick right up to closing time, allowing for more flexibility and client options.

Booking Option Checkboxes

  • Checkout from Booking (requires Stripe integration or manual credit card processing): Checkout from Booking gets its own awesome help topic!
  • Require Credit Card for Booking: this is turned on by default for all appointment requests, but you can turn it off if you'd rather not require cards until the client actually shows up at your business.
  • Manage bookings in SpaBoom: use our virtual online booking calendar in addition to accepting appointment requests.
    • Only show available times in Appointment Request: like it says - don't allow the client to choose times already taken by a booking.
    • Allow professional selection in Appointment Request: gives clients the ability to specify their requested service professional.
    • Book directly to Calendar: rather than just serving as a "request" portal, your client-facing Schedule page can make the bookings into your calendar directly! Once the booking is made, you and the client both will receive an email notification with the details.
      • Confirm Direct Bookings: Clients still choose their exact appointment date and time, but you must approve the booking in your account before it is actually on the calendar. Once approved, the client will receive another email with the finalized appointment information.
      • Time Interval: how much time should be padded between appointments by default?

Cancellation Policy:

The text that is appended to your client's information when reserving a booking. Place information in here about cancellation fees or 24 hour change policies - whatever is your practice.